Emulate II

Project Details

Steel-hulled motor fishing vessel of double chine, transom stern, bulbous bow, soft nose stem rigged for single and twin rig trawling, with a crew of 4 men. She has a fuel capacity of approximately 10,000 litres and can carry 2,300 litres of fresh water. Below deck she is subdivided by four watertight bulkheads into: aft peak steering gear compartment, hold, accommodation, engine room and forepeak tank / store. A forward wheelhouse arrangement, with enclosed focsle for galley and toilet washroom. Large aft working deck having deck-mounted split net drum, trawl winch, trawl gallows and gantry, gilsen pole and fish hopper.

Yard Number 009
Description 16-metre single / twin rig trawler
Build Year 2004
Flag UK
Construction Steel
Length O/A 15.95 m
Breadth Moulded 5.90 m
Depth Moulded 3.50 m